Casting Application
Stock photography
Although we create personalized image portfolios for businesses, we also have our own stock images that we sell on sites such as Shutterstock, Adobe Stock and Getty Images. We have many project ideas that would meet commercial image criteria and are continuously increasing our portfolio. To enable us to achieve this we are always looking for models (babies, children, teens, adults, seniors, families, couples, you name it). Models need to be comfortable in front of a camera and able to take direction, to create the best possible images. The sessions usually last between one to two hours, depending on the project, and it always ends up being lots of fun!
If you are interested in applying as a model, complete the casting form below and send us two recent photos by email. Please be aware that in order to be chosen for a stock photography/videography project you will need to sign a Model Release Form. If the person is a minor, an official guardian will need to sign the form. If you are chosen, we will send you an offer letter detailing the compensation benefits available.